A federal online media outlet for the indigenous peoples of the North will appear in Russia
The founders of regional media outlets writing about indigenous peoples, journalists and ethnobloggers held the first meeting on September 24…
The founders of regional media outlets writing about indigenous peoples, journalists and ethnobloggers held the first meeting on September 24…
It is interesting that without saying a word, representatives of indigenous peoples in different regions of the country came to…
The tests of a new mobile satellite communications set have been completed on the northernmost continental part of the world…
On Monday, several countries of the world held a meeting of working groups on the development of the concept of…
The Arctic Expedition Support Fund (its leader is honorary polar explorer Vladimir Chukov recently visited Taimyr) has completed the second stage…
Expedition Support Fund «The Arktik» is completing the second stage of the «Arktika-ETHNOGIS expedition». 28th July 2021 members of the…
Video, how Daria Lykova and Nasu Terebikhina meet in the Dolgan chum near the Kheta River in central Taimyr, has…
The first two days of June were marked in the political life of the planet by UNESCO consultations in North…
Всю свою жизнь Людмила Боякина провела в красноселькупской тайге. Охотилась и рыбачила. Вела хозяйство. Дети давно выросли и разъехались по…